Name:  Taylor Manley
Family:  Parents Scott and Terri Manley, brother Austin
School and Groups:  Miller Elementary, Greene County 4-H, leader Twila Hollis

How are you involved in agriculture?
“I show steers; I have three at the barn now, Mickey, Chip and Oreo, to show this year, and one heifer, Mya, for a friend who’s showing too. I have to feed them every day, and later I’ll wash them every day to get them ready for the shows. Also, sometimes I’ll go around with my dad and help with chores, help move cattle or do whatever needs done.”

What’s your favorite memory at the farm?
“Showing my cattle and having fun. I won Grand Champion steer with George, my calf, in shows at Ash Grove, Lawrence County and at the Gala. It was my first time showing, and I really liked it.”

What do you want to do when you grow up?
“Go to college and become a vet or a doctor. I want to live on the farm with my friends and ride horses.”

Why is it important for kids to be involved in agriculture?
“It shows them about food; how you can start from ground zero and you can work the animals up yourself. People don’t have any idea what it’s like to raise animals.”

What have you learned being involved in agriculture?
“It’s taught me responsibility. And I know if anything happens to my animals, it would come back on me. My dad also helps me choose my calves. I know they need to have a good stance, a good stomach, and you need to know how they were brought up.”

By OFN Staff


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