Name:  Tyler McCabe, age 17
Family:  Parents, Glen and Ruth McCabe; brother, Riley 11, sisters; Makayla, 17 and MyRiah, 9
Education:  Senior at Camdenton High School
FFA Advisor:  Jeffrey Kitchen

What is your current involvement in agriculture?
“I needed a job besides being a lifeguard at the city pool so I started my own lawn care business, Tyler’s Landscaping. I started with a push lawnmower and a weed eater. Now I have a John Deere riding lawnmower as well and a few friends who help me out when I have a really big job. I also just started at Orscheln’s stocking shelves and loading feed. I’m a teacher’s aide in Mr. Kitchen’s freshman Intro to Ag class this year and that has really gotten me into helping younger students to take an interest in agriculture and FFA.”

What has been your role in FFA?
“I’ve been in FFA, all four years of high school and have really enjoyed it. I like working with others, getting them involved, too. There is so much more to FFA than just farming, like leadership training, and I want other students and the rest of our community to know that. I’m the chaplain for Camdenton’s FFA chapter this year and have been to the national convention several years. They have great leadership workshops and themes. This year’s theme was “FFA Rally to Fight Hunger.”

What are your plans for the future?
“I’m planning on attending Graceland University in Iowa, just across the Missouri state line. I talked with them at a college night here recently and I really liked what they had to offer. I want to be a Federal conservation agent. I’m also going to study turf as a minor as it’s always good to have something as a backup.”

Story and Photo by Laura L. Valenti


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