Name:  Paige Chupp, 16
Family:  Dale and Maria Chupp and siblings Tyler, 19 and Justin, 13
Hometown:  Chauteau, Okla.
School:  Claremore High School

What is your favorite aspect of agriculture?
“I love to show dairy because it’s really fun.”

What is your current involvement in agriculture?
“I feed the baby calves milk or feed and I water them. I show at the local, county, state and national levels, mainly with Guernseys. I am the treasurer for the Chauteau FFA and have competed in speaking contests and dairy judging. Last year I did Creed, and this year I am doing a prepared speech.”

Who is the most influential person in your life?
“My dad is the most influential person in my life because he taught me all about the animals, how to take care of them and how to show them.”

How did you get started in agriculture?
“My grandpas were both farmers and my dad had always showed, so I was born into it. Farming is simply what our family does and showing is part of that.”

Future Plans:  “I want to go to Oklahoma State University and get a degree in ag communication.”

Story and Photo by Terry Ropp


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