Name:  Erin Easterling
Family:  Stacy and Tracy Easterling; brother, Kross
4-H Group:  Valley 4-H, Huntsville, Ark., leader, Jerry Jo Hamm

How are you involved in agriculture?
"Over the past years I have shown pigs, sheep, chickens and now mostly cows. I started when I was 3 with chickens, and began showing cattle at 5. I have shown registered Angus, commercial heifers, and began showing bulls this year. I have five cows and some new calves that were just born. My dad AI’s most of my show cattle. (At the farm) I help my dad feed. Sometimes I even drive the truck. I help wash calves, clean stalls and work the show calves."

What kinds of awards have you won?
"I’ve won Grand Champion at district and county levels with my pigs and cattle. I won Reserve Senior Heifer in the Angus Show at the Arkansas State Fair when I was 7. I had to show in the open show, because you have to be 9 to show as a junior. I won my first showmanship buckle this year for breeding beef. I also won the Buck Vaughn Memorial Showmanship Award this year as a junior. It was very exciting."

Who is your role model?
"Mattie Marsh. She has been showing for a long time and has helped me with my skills in the ring. She is my good friend and supports me. We have shown together and against each other. We are always happy when one of us wins our class."

What is your favorite experience on the farm?
"I like seeing babies being born. I like my show calves, just walking up and talking to them. I also really like when the embryologist comes to transplant eggs. They always let me look at the embryos though their microscopes."

By Pam Lamb


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